Counselor General Info:
Counselors will work at their chosen camp locations for some or all of the camp days (dependent on camper enrollment).
Counselors will teach campers in groups of 3 and by the end of the week will have taught all the campers. A curriculum and training will be held before the camp session starts.
Counselors must be going into 10th grade or older
Must have a minimum of 3 years of experience with your instrument
We are looking for flute, clarinet, saxaphone, oboe, trumpet, trombone, violin, and cello teachers for the upcoming summer!
Must be good with children
Must have an open mindset and be able to teach young children!
Flexible scheduling (once camper numbers are set, scheduling will be worked out with counselors)
Small hourly stipend or volunteer hours (please contact for more info)
A fun time with young kids!
Application Process:
Apply via the link below. Your application will be reviewed and you will be notified within two weeks if you can move onto the next step of the application.
Zoom meeting/interview: get asked a few questions and also prepare a short piece on your instrument to demonstrate.
You will be notified a couple of days after your interview with more info!
Please email if you have any other questions!!